NO. 58

Neada Deters

Life and Rituals in New York City

A few weeks ago, we traveled to New York City to meet Neada Deters in her new apartment in Brooklyn.

Neada is the founder and CEO of LESSE, a sustainable and organic skincare line. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, she moved to New York City soon after completing her studies in art history and theory. Later, she relocated to LA, where she founded LESSE. Now back in New York, Neada, her husband, and their dog call Brooklyn home.

After years of experience in the industry, Neada founded LESSE with a vision for a new approach to organic skincare. She embraced the philosophy that less is more, integrating this belief into both her personal journey and her brand.

With LESSE, Neada developed a collection of natural skincare essentials designed to create simple yet effective daily rituals ones that nurture both the skin and the planet. “I wanted skincare to be a moment of reconnection with oneself. In today’s world, we’ve lost so much of that.”

"Once it gets under your skin, it’s hard to ever pull away."

Early in the morning, as she brews coffee for us, she notes that her days always begin at a slow, unhurried pace. She eases into the morning with time in the kitchen alongside her husband, making tea and coffee. They often go for a walk with their dog, which allows them to connect and perhaps discuss ideas for their shared project, LESSE. Once back home, it’s a quick breakfast, shower, and skincare ritual before heading to the office.

We ask her what keeps calling her back to New York and what makes it feel like “home.” She answers without hesitation: “I first moved here a few months after graduating from university, without ever having visited America before. From the day I landed, it felt like home. It’s a chaotic city but incredibly vibrant and deeply human. Once it gets under your skin, it’s hard to ever pull away.”


However, Neada’s perspective on home extends beyond geography—it is not merely a physical location but an emotional and personal state of being. Having lived in Sydney, New York, and Los Angeles, her understanding of home has evolved. While she acknowledges that both Sydney and New York feel like home, she emphasizes that true belonging is not tied to one place. Instead, it is carried within—a feeling that transcends physical space and is shaped by experiences, relationships, and a sense of self.

She points out that every neighborhood in New York has its own distinct identity, shaping the way people live in meaningful ways. She has lived in a few areas of Brooklyn over the years but feels that their current home is perfect for this stage of her life: “It’s quieter and brings a sense of balance to our life in one of the world’s largest cities.”

"Life feels light, living here."

Walking through her apartment, we admire the natural light and high ceilings. “It has a wonderful energy,” she says, “and it’s the perfect apartment for an intimate dinner party. I really cherish long nights around a table with close friends. Life feels light, living here.”

We then ask her what it’s like to live in such a fast-paced, ever-changing city. She agrees that at times, it can feel almost impossible to find balance, but she has learned to slow down when needed.


We step outside for a walk around the neighborhood with her dog, as she does every morning. She tells us that even after moving back two years ago, there is always something new to experience in New York, no matter how long you’ve lived there.

After spending the last few days in the city, we ask her about the famous New York hustle. While the city's energy is often defined by ambition and drive, there is also a strong sense of connection and community. She reflects on this: “There’s an undeniable sense of connection in New York—a feeling that we’re all in this chaotic, incredible place together—simply because we’re all sharing the same sidewalk. At times, it can be almost impossible to find personal space with so many people moving from one place to another. But through this, you’re exposed to every possible character you can imagine. It teaches not just tolerance but a deep sense of compassion that’s hard to find elsewhere. New Yorkers aren’t always nice, but they tend to be immensely kind.”

“It’s an easy city to get lost in, to lose a sense of who you are when you’re constantly being pulled by the tide of chaos and crowds.”

Back at her beautiful apartment, we discuss her project and daily routines. We ask her about the concept of beauty and what it means to her. She responds, “I believe beauty is a way of seeing the world. It’s something you embody rather than something you seek out.”She reflects on the power of personal rituals: “My skincare ritual is meaningful in shaping my day—it’s a moment of quiet amid the noise, a time when I can truly decompress and reconnect with myself each morning and night. I also love the simple ritual of winding down after a long day: reading, drinking tea, and listening to music.”

Neada emphasizes the importance of carving out quiet moments in a city as intense as New York: “It’s an easy city to get lost in, to lose a sense of who you are when you’re constantly being pulled by the tide of chaos and crowds.”


Looking at her library, we talk about books. “I was bookish and creative growing up,” she confesses. When asked about her favorite ones, she tells us: “I love books, and I always find it impossible to narrow it down to a few favorites—but a few that immediately come to mind are Ways of Seeing by John Berger, a great book I reread every few years for its lessons on perspective in art and life; The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard, which explores the emotional and imaginative resonance of intimate spaces our homes, rooms—in shaping our memories, dreams, and sense of self; and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, an incredible novel that confronts the devastating impact of internalized oppression and unattainable beauty standards.”

"Live with integrity, compassion, and humor”

As we talk about her journey—growing up and studying in Sydney, moving to New York, then LA—we ask her about the most important career and life lessons she has learned along the way. She smiles and says: “There are too many lessons to count, but I believe the general directive for life is simple: live with integrity, compassion, and humor.”

Sydney represents family and the foundation of her life, ingraining in her a deep appreciation for nature. New York, on the other hand, has shown her the immense value of art, community, and living authentically: “There’s a sense of freedom here that I find impossible to articulate.” Los Angeles, she adds, gave her the space she needed for her greatest personal and professional growth.


As our time with Neada comes to an end, we ask her how she unwinds after a day in the city. “On a perfect evening, maybe once or twice a week,” she tells us, “I’ll draw a bath and apply the LESSE Bioactive Mask. I soak for an hour or so while reading or calling a friend, then I watch a film on the couch before heading to bed.”

With that, we say goodbye to Neada, leaving her to the quiet rituals that bring balance to life in a city that never stops moving.


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